Dorothea Maneta Ph.D.(c)
Internal Operations and Development
I come from an interdisciplinary background spanning from STEM to Molecular Biology. My first studies in Applied Mathematical and Physical Sciences at NTUA shed the first light on how sciences can complement one another. During my thesis, I was exposed to biological concepts through the development of a machine-learning algorithm. After that, I felt compelled to pursue my curiosity for biology and this led to the International MSc in Molecular Biomedicine at the Medical School, UoA. Ever since, I have embraced opportunities to integrate experimental and computational approaches into my skillset. Through a fortunate turn of events, in 2023 I found myself in Frankfurt at the Institute of Biochemistry, entertaining the idea of a Ph.D.. Over the past year, I have been involved in projects that align closely with my interests in genome engineering and the elucidation of signaling mechanisms implicated in cancer progression.
After attending the "She STEMs 2024" Symposium, I felt so fascinated by the actions of the
team and the stories of the women who participated in it. Being a person who transitioned through STEM fields, it felt like the space to be, to learn more, and to pitch into the outreach, visibility, and empowerment of women who want to forge their path. As a new recruit and with the newly-acquired legal entity of the organization, I will assist in internal organization and operations to facilitate the expansion of the GWiS.
Outside of work, well, sometimes it’s all about a cozy blanket and the search for the next
traveling opportunity or a nicely balanced Pilates class. My main thing, however, is my
love for coffee shops and events where I can socialize and be inspired by people’s stories.